Saturday, September 24, 2011

What do I need to find out about germ line and somatic mutations? What did my research tell me?

1.What are the type of mutations between germline and somatic mutations?
a. The mutations that occur in the germ line and somatic cells can be of the same type.
Some mutations that change a single nucleotide are called point mutations. These type of mutations cause deletion or substitution of nucleotide. Chromosomal mutations are mutations that cause insertions, inversions or translocations of more than one nucleotide.

 2. What are the different effects between germ line and somatic mutations?
a.The most important difference between germ line and somatic mutations is that germ line mutations are inherited through the germ cells or gametes, while somatic mutations occur during life in somatic or regular cells, and therefore cannot not be inherited by the following generation.

b.Germ line mutations are shared by all the cells of the same organism. To be able to find them it must be compared to a different individual. While somatic cells can be found by comparing DNA from different cells from the same individual.

3. Effects

a. Germ line mutations are associated with genetic diseases.  Different types of mutations that occur in the chromosomes can have effects on the phenotype or can cause cancer. Some examples are: Down Syndrome, Cri du chat syndrome (cry of the cat), Turner Syndrome and breast cancer.

b. Somatic mutations can have no effect on the phenotype, usually causes changes in the genotype. Some of these changes can go unnoticed or silent. If the the mutation is cancerous then the body will keep producing these cells until the person dies. Somatic mutations can affect damages in the bladder, liver and kidney function.

c. The effects of these mutations are different. Most dangerous germ line mutations are the ones that  interfere with the function of the organism.  Such mutations may change the we interact with diseases, or the environment. For example, sickle cell anemia,is a mutation that causes a change in shape of the red blood cell from concave to sickle form. Another example is  red-green blindness (Daltonism) affects your ability to distinguish colors, and Type 1 diabetes is a mutation that prevents you from producing insulin and digesting sugar.
Among somatic mutations the most dangerous are the ones that occur in the regulation of growth and cellular division. Cells start reproducing without control and start forming cancerous cells.

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