Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What do I know the effects of Mutations

Mutations can occur in non-reproductive cells which are not inherited or can occur in reproductive cells which are inherited by the offspring.

Inherited mutations can have no effects on the phenotype if the mutation occurs in a non-coding region of a DNA segment or if the mutation occurs in a coding region but the mutation is synonymous. Some changes in the phenotype of the organism can occur if there is a change in amino acid. The protein will code for a different thing and cause the organism to have a defect or even cause death.

Mutations that occur in control genes can have negative or positive effects. Control genes regulate the expression of other genes. For example, the HOX gene is one that it is found in animals and it controls how the units (head, thorax, abdomen) of the animals body will be built. If a mutation occurs in one of these control genes the animal can be born with a defect in its body figure.

There are different types of mutations: Point mutations are the ones in which one DNA base is substituted with a different base. Frame shift mutations are either insertions or deletions of more than one DNA base. Inversion's, when an entire DNA segment is reversed. Chromosomal mutations where whole genes can be changed.

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